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PCBN (CBN) hardness ranked second

Polycrystalline diamond and cubic boron nitride cutting materials Due to the high hardness, the cutting edges of the tools that use them need to be specially treated. The structure of the cutting edge should be compatible with the selected cutting material and the cutting material, which is essential for the stability of the tool and the extended service life. In general, we recommend the use of our standard blade structure: polycrystalline diamond for the sharp angle structure (F), cubic boron nitride for the chamfer blunt structure (S).

Of course, different cutting process requirements for the tool will be different, usually need to conduct a certain technical test in order to obtain the corresponding processing technology tool. In this respect you can get in touch with our technical services department, and they will provide you with the best solution.

Standard polycrystalline diamond sharp angle structure (F)
When using polycrystalline diamond to cut aluminum and other non-ferrous metals, it is recommended to use sharp edges. This can significantly reduce the pressure at which the tool is subjected to cutting.

Blunt round structure (E)
Blunt circles can reduce the risk of cutting the blade. In particular cases, such as cutting depth shallow feed is small, should be preferred blunt round structure.

Chamfering structure (T)
Chamfering increases the edge of the blade, making the cubic boron nitride blade becomes more stable. But the cutting edge of the pressure will increase.

Standard cubic boron nitride chamfering blunt structure (S)
If the cutting process requires a very high demand for the cutting edge and the processing conditions are very stable, then the chamfering and blunt rounds are the best choice for the combination: the blunt round structure can further prevent the blade from breaking when the edges of the edges are not increased The

Fillet radius
To obtain better stability of the tool edge, reliable feed and good workpiece surface finish, blade radius selection is critical. In the stability and processing of the workpiece under the premise of the radius of the blade radius in principle, the greater the better.

According to the different feed, the pre-processing is recommended to ensure the following blade radius:

Radius r> 1,6 x infeed f
For C and S type blades

Radius r> 2,5 x feed f
For D-and T-type blades

When the principal angle is 75 - 105 °, the reference value of the maximum infeed.
(Note: If the processing conditions allow the use of a larger feed value, otherwise you should use a smaller infeed value and the radius of the blade fillet, especially in the event of vibration when the large radius of half the radius for cutting cast iron, Chilled cast iron and discontinuous sections.)

Finishing of the workpiece accuracy and surface finish have special requirements. In the case of turning, the approximate surface roughness is calculated by pressing the inlet for f> 0,1 mm. The following formula is used to obtain the surface height of the workpiece produced by each cutting:
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